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Vampire Facelift

Vampire Facelift Specialist in Beverly Hills, CA and Las Vegas, NV

Common Questions Asked by Clients: What is the Vampire Facelift? Does Vampire Facial tighten skin? Who should avoid the Vampire Facial? 

The Vampire Facelift procedure offered at Flawless Medspa creates the youthful, rejuvenating effects of a facelift without actual surgery! Contact us for more information or schedule an appointment online! We have convenient locations to serve you in Beverly Hills, CA and Las Vegas, NV. We serve Clients from Beverly Hills, CA, Las Vegas NV, Pinto Palomino NV, Winchester NV, Spring Valley NV, Los Angeles, CA, Century City, CA and BEYOND!

The Vampire Facelift procedure offered at Flawless Medspa creates the youthful, rejuvenating effects of a facelift without actual surgery! Contact us for more information or schedule an appointment online! We have convenient locations to serve you in Beverly Hills, CA and Las Vegas, NV. We serve Clients from Beverly Hills, CA, Las Vegas NV, Pinto Palomino NV, Winchester NV, Spring Valley NV, Los Angeles, CA, Century City, CA and BEYOND!
The Vampire Facelift procedure offered at Flawless Medspa creates the youthful, rejuvenating effects of a facelift without actual surgery! Contact us for more information or schedule an appointment online! We have convenient locations to serve you in Beverly Hills, CA and Las Vegas, NV. We serve Clients from Beverly Hills, CA, Las Vegas NV, Pinto Palomino NV, Winchester NV, Spring Valley NV, Los Angeles, CA, Century City, CA and BEYOND!

Vampire Facelift Specialist Near Me in Beverly Hills, CA and Las Vegas, NV
Vampire Facelift Specialist Near Me in Beverly Hills, CA and Las Vegas, NV

Melanie is proud to be a highly trained, Certified Provider and offer this cutting-edge procedure to you.

The Vampire Facelift® is a custom-tailored procedure that combines the science of hyaluronic acid fillers, such as Restylane® or Juvéderm®, to first sculpt the face to a younger more natural state, followed by fine-tuning the sculpture and improving color and texture with your own platelet-rich plasma (PRP). Using this combination will deliver a youthful, natural beauty.

The Vampire Facelift® is an in-office procedure, and results can be experienced on the same day, with the continual benefit of skin regeneration lasting for months even over a year after the procedure. Generally speaking, anyone can have the Vampire Facelift® as it is a non-invasive cosmetic procedure. Though traditional facelift surgery is perfectly fine for certain patients, more and more patients are opting for non-invasive options because it is less expensive and safer than surgery, more effective, and offer minimal downtime.

If you’ve lost volume and have ever considered a facelift but were too afraid to go under the knife, a Vampire FaceLift® can be a great solution for you. We serve Clients from Beverly Hills, CA, Las Vegas NV, Pinto Palomino NV, Winchester NV, Spring Valley NV, Los Angeles, CA, Century City, CA and BEYOND!

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Flawless Medspa in Las Vegas, NV and Beverly Hills, CA

Las Vegas, NV

Beverly Hills, CA

  • 435 N. Roxbury Drive, Suite 311. Beverly Hills, CA 90210
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